Find out where Tommy stands.
Federal Overreach
“Whether it be Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates, higher taxes, or attempts by Socialists to control our state elections, the threat of a tyrannical government in Washington is now higher than ever. As your voice in Montgomery, it is critically important for you to know that I will never back down in protecting our way of life here in God’s country. I stood up against Biden with my colleagues in the legislature by voting for bills that banned vaccine passports and prohibited folks from getting fired from their jobs because they don’t want to take the shot. I also sponsored legislation that would prevent any enforcement of new gun laws in our state. I will never back down in my fight to ensure that our liberty and freedoms are protected.
“When the Alabama legislature passed an increase in the gas tax during the 2019 session I was one of the few Republicans to vote against it. Like many of y'all, I have to work hard for a living and a few times, struggled to pay the bills. My working-class background and the fact that folks throughout the county opposed the tax, drove me to strongly oppose it. I believe part of being a conservative means rejecting new taxes and listening to the people who pay your salary, so that is what I did. I pledge to you that I will never vote for more taxes, I believe your money is YOURS and the government has no right to demand it.
2nd Amendment
My whole life I’ve been around guns. Like many of y'all, I enjoy hunting throughout our beautiful county. However, the 2nd amendment was not meant for hunting white tail deer in the mountains. The founders put it in the Constitution early on for a reason: They had just fought off a tyrannical government and knew one day, the people might need to do so again to protect their rights. I fully oppose any measures that would weaken, modify, or take away our right to keep and bear arms. During my time in the legislature I sponsored bills that would prevent law enforcement from carrying out gun control orders from D.C. I believe our nation can only remain free and safe if the people are armed. I will never bend on this issue, ever.
Pro Life
“The right to life is one of the most precious we have. God gave us life, so what right do we have to take it away from the most innocent among us, the unborn. I voted for legislation during my last term that banned abortion in our state, sadly it was struck down in Federal courts. I believe abortion should be completely illegal and would support any future measures that ban it in Alabama. Simply put, abortion is murder.”
Jackson County
“We are blessed to live in the most beautiful area in the entire world, I truly believe that. Whether it be the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains that snake through our county, or the Tennessee river that breathes life into our area, we are truly lucky. Jackson county has so much potential through our environment alone. I know that we can use our environment to drive economic growth. Whether that be promoting tourism through fishing tournaments or marketing our caves, hiking trails and valleys to those who are looking for a weekend getaway from the big cities, we have something great to offer. However, to achieve this goal we must also bring more business to Jackson county. Lowering local taxes and offering incentives to manufactures to come here is extremely important. I am excited that Google has come to our area with their new data center in Bridgeport and I am very excited to see Publix supermarkets expanding into Scottsboro. Much more can be done to bring economic growth to our county, but I believe we are on the right track.
"I will always fight for our conservative values.
That is my pledge to you."
Tommy's been recognized by the following organizations:
Alabama Farmers Federation Endorsement
Scottsboro Professional Firefighters
Professional Firefighters of Alabama
U.S. Term Limits
Alabama Term Limits
"Champion of Term Limits"
Alabama Grocers Association
National Rifle Association